Tianjin University:Richard Register’s 1st Stop of Speaking Tour On Ecocity ———Building 3D traffic system by ‘pedestrian bridge’

Column:Company News Time:2014-04-30
Tianjin University:Richard Register’s 1st Stop of Speaking Tour On Ecocity
———Building 3D traffic system by ‘pedestrian bridge’

C&P has been joining hands with Tianjin University and committed to promoting eco-city development in China. Now they have invited Richard Register, internationally renowned ecologist and Board President of Ecocity Builders, to lecture on "Generous City, City of the Future." in the four famous universities of Tianjin, Tsinghua, Southeast and Tongji in China. 

On March 31, Richard Register came to the first stop, Tianjin University and gave his tour speaking in the Architectural Creation Mansion built in 1895.

Richard Register gave his lecture in the Architectural Creation Mansion.


Richard Register gave his lecture in the Architectural Creation Mansion.


Richard Register was interviewed by people.com.cn.

Talking of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Ecocity, Richard Register has visited it may times and thought highly of the Ecocity. Now, based on the construction thought of green, low-carbon and recycling building, the ecocity has a scientific planning of functional areas and makes a perfect living environment with complete facilities and flexible services. Richard Register shows great concern for the air pollution and suggests that the ecocity should coordinate all available resources to improve air quality and attract more and more people to live in the environment close to nature. 

As for the heavy traffic, he pointed that we should learn San Francisco’s scientific planning in ecocity construction, improve public transportation and build 3D traffic system by using pedestrian bridge in the city center so that all the means of transportation go their own ways. City dwellers should also sacrifice their dependence on cars and make a better living environment for our next generation.

He also suggested higher density and more height of buildings for land saving. Moreover, rooftop gardens are highly recommended with more green space as possible as we can.

Richard Register, pioneer of internationally modern ecocity drive, coined the word “Ecocity” in 1979 and then published many books on ecocity. In his book“Ecocities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature”, he advocated three standards for ecocity: life, beauty and fairness.

He has been focusing on ecocity construction in China and the formulation of related standards on ecological and green buildings. Recently, Richard Register has been invited to the 10th IGEBC and delivered a keynote speech on the topic of “Ecocities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature”. Then he will give a tour speaking in the four famous universities of Tianjin, Tsinghua, Southeast and Tongji. Tianjin University is the 1st stop.